Server Side Includes in Shared Web Hosting
All shared web hosting services that we offer support Server Side Includes, so you're able to include dynamic components to your static site that you host on our cloud platform. By creating a blank .htaccess file and adding a couple of lines of code inside it, you'll be able to enable SSI for a domain name or perhaps a subdomain. The file in question should be within the exact folder where you will make use of SSI you'll be able to see the code in our Frequently Asked Questions section, so you do not need any kind of coding experience. The 24/7 tech support crew will also be in a position to help you with enabling Server Side Includes if you are not certain what to do. You should also remember to change the extension of all files that are going to make use of SSI from .html to .shtml and ensure that the links on your site lead to the appropriate files.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you get a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you'll be able to activate Server Side Includes with a couple mouse clicks and for every domain name or subdomain that you pick. We've got a thorough Help article on the subject you could see in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. All it takes to activate Server Side Includes will be to copy a number of lines from the article in an .htaccess file that you should set up in the root folder of the domain name/subdomain and you will be all set. You should only be sure that all of the files implementing SSI have the correct extension i.e. .shtml, not just .html, and also that the links on your website are modified and point to the already updated files.