A cron job is an automatic task, that performs a certain action - usually running some script in the hosting account. The task is scheduled, which means that it will run regularly - weekly, daily, hourly etc. There are lots of reasons to use a cron job for your sites. For instance, you can get regular reports how many site visitors have signed up on your site, some temporary folder can be emptied automatically once a week or a backup copy of your content can be made in a standalone folder in your web hosting account. Using cron jobs will help you with the administration of your sites since you're able to get several things done automatically and get reports about them, in lieu of spending valuable time and efforts to do them manually.

Cron Jobs in Shared Web Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, that is provided with all of our shared web hosting services, will help you to create cron jobs in a couple of basic steps even when you have not used this option previously. Once you log in and proceed to the Cron Jobs section where you're able to set background tasks, you just have to copy and paste the system access path to Perl, PHP or Python according to the script you'll run, type the path within your account for the actual script file and after that choose how often the cron job has to be carried out. For the latter, you can use the basic mode and pick the minutes, hours, days, etc. via straightforward drop-down navigation, or if you are more knowledgeable, you can take advantage of the advanced mode and specify the time period with numbers and asterisks i.e. the typical method that you may have employed with different Control Panels.

Cron Jobs in Semi-dedicated Hosting

In case you use a semi-dedicated server account with our company to host your sites, you can install cron jobs for any of them without difficulty. This is done in three uncomplicated steps from the Hepsia Control Panel that's used to manage the website hosting account, so you can set up a new cron even if you lack previous experience. Inside the Cron Jobs section of Hepsia, you will discover a box where you have to copy and paste the path to the system files inside your account for the programming language your script was written in - PHP, Perl, Bash, Python, etcetera. You also have to provide the folder path to the script file that'll be executed in the same box then use our user-friendly drop-down menus to decide how often our system will run the cron. More experienced users, can also use the traditional method of creating a cron job by typing digits and asterisks in certain positions as well as the previously mentioned paths.