Each active domain is registered on the name of an individual and through the registration process a number of details are submitted - the owner’s names, address, email, cell phone number, and so on. This info in addition to the registrar company name and the registration/expiration dates is known as WHOIS of the domain address and in agreement with the policies of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) it needs to be current and legitimate. If a domain has invalid WHOIS details, it might be reported and if the details are not fixed, the domain name can be deleted or the registrar company could take over its ownership. By default, the WHOIS information is public and can be seen on a lot of lookup sites, or for a limited number of country-code extensions - on the sites of the respective Registry organizations. All businesses that offer registration services are obliged to provide a simple way for their clients to access and modify the WHOIS details of any domain address they own as much as the specific TLD allows it.

Full WHOIS Management in Shared Web Hosting

Managing the WHOIS details of any domain name registered via our company is quite simple through our Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The tool comes with each shared web hosting service and features a section devoted to your domains in which all registrations shall be listed in alphabetical order. You could click on any Internet domain to check its current WHOIS details and with only a couple of mouse clicks more you'll be able to update any part of it. Hepsia will even permit you to edit multiple domain names simultaneously and you'll be able to modify any detail that the respective top-level Registry allows to be changed. For a few country-code TLDs, automatic updates of the owner names are not possible with the Control Panel, so you can contact us 24/7 and we can assist you with the procedure. There aren't any restrictions of any type about the WHOIS updates of generic TLDs.

Full WHOIS Management in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you register or transfer a domain address to our company and you have a semi-dedicated server plan, you'll be able to see and change the domain WHOIS information without any difficulty using the same Hepsia CP in which you will manage the hosting space. It will require literally just a mouse click to view what details a domain address is currently registered with. With a couple of more you may modify any part of the WHOIS information and if you would like to do a mass update, you can simply select several domain names given that Hepsia enables you to manage domain addresses in bulk. You simply won't have to go through your domains one at a time if you want to change the e-mail address for all of them, for instance. If you own a domain name which supports WHOIS updates, yet not automatic ones, you could contact us and we can walk you through the task and help you till the change takes effect. That is required for several country-code extensions only, as the generic ones don't have any limitations regarding WHOIS updates and you may change anything and at any time through your CP.