Hosted Domains in Shared Web Hosting
The shared web hosting plans we offer permit you to host a different amount of domains. This way, you can pick what package to buy and how much to pay based on your needs. If you want to host more domain addresses in the future than the amount the current plan permits you to, you can easily upgrade your entire package or keep the same one and just add more slots for hosted domain addresses. If you decide to employ the registration services of a different company, you will be able to see the name servers that you have to set for your domains so as to point them to our cloud platform in the Hosted Domains area of the Control Panel on our end. If you want to have everything in 1 spot, however, there is no limit for the amount of domain names that you can register/transfer inside your account no matter the hosting package which you have selected. You'll be able to decide if you'll host any of them or you will direct them to other existing domains.
Hosted Domains in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you purchase a semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you'll be able to host as many domains as you want regardless of whether you register them here or you already own them through a different company. We've decided not to limit this feature since the semi-dedicated plans are rather powerful and the load they are able to handle is pretty high, so it wouldn't make sense to be able to host a restricted amount of domain addresses. The accounts are handled via the Hepsia Control Panel, that will present you with full control over your hosted domains. You can add a new domain with a few clicks and everything is done easily and intuitively, in contrast to alternative Control Panels where you might even have to switch between separate accounts to manage a couple of domain names. In the event you register a new domain on our end, it will be hosted automatically in your semi-dedicated account.
Hosted Domains in VPS Hosting
Our virtual private server packages do not have any limit for the amount of domain addresses you can host no matter the Control Panel that you select throughout the process of ordering. With Hepsia, you will be able to handle all domain names in one place and any new domain that you register is going to be hosted automatically on the server without the need to do anything manually. If you acquire the VPS with cPanel or DirectAdmin, you can decide if a number of domain names will be accommodated within one account or if each and every domain will be hosted in its own account given that there is no limit how many independent accounts you can create with these two Control Panels. You're able to register new domains through the VPS billing area and decide the ones you intend to host and which ones to park and forward.