What is Open-Realty®?

Open-Realty® stands out as the world’s major application for making and also managing a high quality, cutting–edge realty site. This is the most powerful, dependable and versatile real estate listing administration web app, which offers you all you need in order to maintain a competitive real estate site.

Open-Realty® has a WYSIWYG page manager for editing custom website content, a built–in blog system, which enables you to embed listing data straight into blogs, an option to upload several photographs, files or virtual tours at a time, etc. Your listings and site articles will be easily classified by the internet search engines.

Open-Realty® is a trademark of Transparent Technologies, Inc. and is not connected with Linux Hosts Ltd..

Open-Realty®–Optimized Shared Web Hosting Services Services

For those who have an enterprise website on which you rely for income, it’s essential not just to sustain this site online, but also to have it operating as effortlessly as possible. And this is just what you can see using the specially optimized Open-Realty® shared web hosting services services which are available from Linux Hosts Ltd..

We offer shared web hosting services deals that have a 99.9% server uptime guarantee. We’ve developed our very own shared web hosting system, which in turn, joined with a custom network, provides us an adequate amount of server power to hold our guarantee regardless of what occurs. And additionally, we are going to present you with infinite disk space, limitless data traffic and unlimited MySQL database storage space quotas.

A Point & Click Web Control Panel

The Open-Realty®–optimized shared web hosting services packages can offer extensive control over your Open-Realty® website thanks to the in–house introduced Web Control Panel. It’s available in more than 10 languages and styles, so you’re able to completely customize it according your personal preferences.

The Control Panel is designed with a drag–and–drop File Manager where your Open-Realty® installation files and your website files can be located, a Database Manager for your personal databases, in addition to a feature rich Mail Manager where you can handle your messages. Also, we’ve introduced a detailed statistics tool, which will keep you up to date on your site traffic and resource usage in real time.