Enhanced Service Stability and Security

A cloud web hosting platform based on security–improved Linux–driven hosting servers

Our hosting servers are running a security–improved Linux distribution, which makes them very secure and dependable. We’ve invested a lot of time and energy into creating a safe platform that is capable to withstand huge hacker or denial–of–service attacks without any interruptions to the web hosting service and imperiling your website’s performance.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security


A safe web app firewall software

All our shared web hosting packages offer ModSecurity by default. ModSecurity is a compact Apache module that does a perfect job – it functions as a web app firewall, effectively defending your web sites against hacker assaults. And everything takes place momentarily, without you needing to modify or set up anything. Your sites will be shielded the very moment you decide to host them with us.


Solid–State Drives

SSD–based cloud web hosting machines

All our shared web hosting servers sport solid–state disks rather than classic hard disk drives. SSDs offer faster read/write speeds, which suggests that your site will load considerably quicker. Absolutely no additional website modifications are needed.

With the perfect online connectivity options provided by each of our cloud hosting Data Centers, your website will start working faster the moment you turn to our hosting services.

Solid–State Drives

Multiple Data Centers

Shared web hosting plans on 3 continents

Our shared web hosting network spreads across 3 continents – North America (the Colohouse datacenter in Chicago, US), Europe (UK Servers datacenter facility in Coventry, UK, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the S3 data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze datacenter in Sydney). This means that, no matter where you are actually located, you will be able to pick out a data center facility that is nearest to your target site visitors. This way, you will ensure the quickest attainable website load speeds for them. You are able to pick your data center any time with one click on the signup page.

Multiple Data Centers

VPN Access

Safe, anonymous surfing

In case, for any reason whatsoever, you want to erase your online footmark, we’ve got the perfect option for you. With all our shared web hosting packages, you’ll be able to acquire VPN access and have all your incoming and outgoing Internet traffic re–routed through one of our Virtual Private Network data centers. And you’ll be able to take full advantage of the exact same VPN configurations on virtually any gadget that’s connected to the Internet – your desktop machine, your laptop PC, your telephone, etc..

VPN Access

Remote MySQL Access

Remotely connect to your MySQL database

Creating a remote MySQL database connection is generally pretty tough with other hosting suppliers. Yet at Linux Hosts Ltd., we’ve rendered the process surprisingly easy – what you need to do is indicate the IP address of the hostname you wish to allow access and our smart platform will take care of the rest. A remote MySQL connection can be really useful if you need to share a database across a group of sites.

Remote MySQL Access

  • Service guarantees

  • Register now. There won’t be any installation expenses and you could take full advantage of our 30–day money–back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied with our platform.
  • Compare our prices

  • Effortlessly review the quotas and capabilities made available from our website hosting plans. Find out which package offers you just what you’ll need to install and control your sites easily.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • Get hold of us whenever you want during working hours on weekdays for any pre–sale or common questions concerning Linux Hosts Ltd.’s platform. Call us at any moment.