24x7 Support

Email us round–the–clock

You might email us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with any concerns that you may possibly have related to our Linux semi-dedicated hosting services. You may contact us via e–mail and by the ticket system and we are going to answer back to you in as much as an hour. Actually, our common response time is as low as 20 min. On trading days, you may ring us or use the real–time chat program on our site.

24x7 Support

Free Dedicated IP

No-cost dedicated IP address for your server

We include a absolutely-free dedicated IP with the Semi-dedicated 2 server setup. A dedicated IP will let you promptly install an SSL certificate for your website or configure your personal name servers that will point to your individual IP address.

The dedicated IP is freely available to use right after you access your Web Control Panel. In addition, if you want supplemental IP addresses, it is easy to order as many as you need at a promo price through the Web Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

SSH Access

Completely free SSH access privileges for your machine

To let you interact directly with your server, without the need to work with the Web Control Panel, we incorporate SSH access privileges with your Linux semi-dedicated server. Using this capability, you will be able to promptly work with your documents, databases and domains through your terminal. Nevertheless, since you will share the server with a few other customers, there’ll be no no option to customize the server’s configuration.

SSH access privileges are included as an optional service with the smaller bundle, and as a cost free incentive with the bigger set-up.

SSH Access

Faster Performance

Your sites will now load faster

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting services provide a much faster overall performance for all of your sites. The network bandwidth has been increased to 10 Gbits so as to greatly improve the network connectivity and to help your sites load a lot faster. Additional servers have been put in to optimize server management actions and to greatly reduce bothersome service interferences and downtimes. Our semi-dedicated hosting use NVMe disks, which are way more reliable and faster than the standard HDDs employed by the majority of website hosting suppliers.

Faster Performance

  • Service guarantees

  • All of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting services are set up for you cost–free. 99.9% uptime guarantee. SSH access rights. Free–of–charge Control Panel incorporated.
  • Compare our prices

  • Review Linux Hosts Ltd.’s Linux semi-dedicated hosting services and see which setup will provide you with the assets and attributes you’ll need to control your expanding websites.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Linux Hosts Ltd. is on duty 24x7 to reply to any sort of inquiries about our Linux semi-dedicated hosting services. 1–hour reply time warranty.